Workforce Development

The Education and Talent Department of the Oshkosh Chamber is the lynch pin in creating partnerships and collaborative programming between Oshkosh education communities workforce development training and area businesses. To learn more about the Chamber’s business/education programming, call (920) 303-2265, ext. 29.

8th Grade Career Exploration

Career & Life Path Day gives 8th grade students the chance to gain first-hand experience with a business or organization of their choice.


Adopt-a-School connect the needs and goals of local schools with the resources and talents of businesses and community organizations.

Youth Work Experience

Youth Apprenticeship, school to work career exploration, provides benefits for high school students and employers.

Youth Leadership Oshkosh

For nearly two decades, Youth Leadership Oshkosh has given students from Oshkosh’s four high schools an up-close-and-personal look at the community.

Youth Career Exploration Camps

High school students can explore careers of all types during career exploration camps.

IT Talent Pipeline

Developing targeted education programs and strategies to grow the regional IT workforce.