
All roads lead to Oshkosh. Oshkosh truly is at the heart of it all!  The city is surrounded by major highways, waterways and rail service.  Other transportation services are well within reach.

  • Highways running through and to Oshkosh include U.S. highways 41 and 45 and State highways 21, 26, 44, 76 and 91.
  • Oshkosh is surrounded by major waterways, including the Fox and Wolf rivers and the Lake Winnebago system.
  • Rail service is provided by Wisconsin Southern and Canadian National.
  • Two ports are within 100 miles, Green Bay at 50 miles to the north and Milwaukee at 80 miles to the south.
  • Air service also is within 100 miles, Outagamie Regional Airport is 20 miles away, and General Mitchell International Airport is 80 miles away.
  • Bus service is available with a Greyhound terminal in Oshkosh.  Municipal bus service also is available with the Oshkosh Transit System.

Oshkosh is served by Wisconsin Public Service for its electrical and natural gas needs.  Oshkosh Chamber members who have a facility that uses more than 20,000 therms a year or pays more than $10,000 a year in natural gas may be able to save money through the Chamber’s Natural Gas program with Integrys Energy Services.