Advertising & Sponsorships

The Chamber offers our members several avenues for advertising and sponsorships, including, but not limited to, electronic newsletters such as our monthly Member Matters, weekly Chamber Happenings and Member 2 Member e-blasts, the Chamber website, and all monthly and signature Chamber events.

Member Matters E-newsletter

Each month, the Member Matters E-newsletter is sent to more than 2,200 business leaders in Oshkosh and the Fox Valley area. Your advertising message is read by business owners, CEOs, purchasing agents, managers, and supervisors. This publication is your resource for networking and promotional opportunities, Chamber member news, new member announcements, educational seminars, discount programs, and many other Chamber programs and services.

Member 2 Member Advertising

Member 2 Member e-blasts are sent every Friday morning to more than 2,200 Chamber member email addresses. Member 2 Member enables Chamber members to highlight their products, services, or events to other members, and to view similar information from them.

Website Advertising

The Oshkosh Chamber offers promotions to members on the website. The site features an interactive membership directory search, our event calendar and event registrations, toolkits for business startups and relocation planning, the latest business news and so much more! Choose from either a top-of-page banner ad on a specific page, or a “side rail” ad that appears on all the inside pages of the site.

Signature & Monthly Event Sponsorships

There are many opportunities to sponsor Oshkosh Chamber events. To learn more about event sponsorships, please contact Connie Carmical at [email protected].